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3 min read
Aligning Your Time With Your Priorities
Read on to learn about why your mindset and beliefs about time are so important for aligning your time with your priorities.
3 min read
Avoid The Feedback Trap And Give Feedback To Help People Develop
To give useful feedback that encourages people and helps them grow and develop you need to consider your mindset and your method.
2 min read
How To Design SMART Goals That Are Also VIVID
To achieve goal success we need to set clear measurable goals (SMART) and then make them VIVID.
2 min read
How To Track, Audit, And Edit Your Habits
The start of a new year is the perfect time to track, audit, and edit your habits!
2 min read
Is Your Relationship-Building Mindset Hindering Your Strategy?
I often ask this of the leaders I coach and I get all types of responses. If you think your strategy could use a tune up, read on!
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